Dachshund Behavior Problems (Understanding and Solving)

Photo of a Dachshund (left) showing bad behavior to another Dachshund (Right). Dachshund Behavior Problems.

With a lifetime shared with a myriad of canines and a particular fondness for Beagles, my journey has led me to become well-versed in the enigma of dog behaviors—especially our little friends, the Dachshunds.

I’m here to share my expertise and insights into the common behavioral concerns you might encounter with your Dachshund, and trust me, I’ve seen quite a spectrum of them.

Quick Tips:

  • Dachshunds can have several behavior problems, including separation anxiety, excessive barking, digging, destructive chewing, and aggression.
  • Common behavioral issues in Dachshunds, such as separation anxiety and excessive barking, can often be managed with patience, consistent training, and plenty of exercise.
  • Teaching Dachshunds commands like “quiet” and giving them ample interactive toys and exercise can help curb behavioral problems.
  • A lack of socialization, boredom, and separation anxiety are common causes of Dachshund behavioral problems.
  • When addressing problem behaviors in Dachshunds, recognizing the issue, checking for potential health problems, using positive reinforcement, and potentially consulting a professional are effective strategies.
  • Keeping a Dachshund entertained with toys, regular exercise, socialization with other dogs, and puzzle toys can aid in preventing behavior problems.
  • Early training, clear boundaries, consistent rules, and early intervention from professionals when worrying behaviors arise can prevent future behavior problems in Dachshunds.

Why Dachshunds Display Behavior Problems

Firstly, it’s vital to appreciate that Dachshunds are more than just their adorable stature and spirited barks. They’re creatures of emotion and intellect, and their behaviors are a tapestry woven from their experiences and needs.

Separation anxiety tops the list. Dachshunds are the epitome of loyalty, making it hard for them to watch you leave. The result? A whirlwind of distress manifesting as barks, destruction, or even indoor accidents.

Then, there’s the excessive barking—often a cry for attention or a response to stimuli. My little Beagle used to give them a run for their money in the barking department!

Don’t get me started on their digging. Ever found your Dachshund halfway to China in your backyard? That’s their instinctual excavation kick at play.

Chewing and aggression? They’re there too, often sprouting from boredom or fear.

Tackling the Troubles

Let’s dive into solutions, but remember, patience and consistency are your best allies.

Separation Anxiety

Gradual desensitization is key. Start by leaving your Dachshund alone for short periods. Increase this time slowly and never make departures or arrivals a big deal. This helps in making alone time less dramatic for your pup.

Excessive Barking

Training commands like “quiet” can work wonders, coupled with ample exercise and mental challenges. A tired dog is often a quiet one.

Destructive Chewing

This one’s close to my heart. Dachshunds, like my Beagle, need an outlet for their chewing. Redirect this behavior with avariety of chew toys. Keep valuables out of reach—trust me, they’ll find them otherwise.


Early socialization is paramount. Expose your Dachshund to different scenarios and beings. Positive reinforcement can build confidence and reduce fear-based aggression.

Pro Tip: Always check for underlying health issues that could be contributing to aggressive tendencies.
Dachshund destroyed his toy.

Preventing Future Misbehavior

Prevention is better than cure, they say. For Dachshunds, this rings especially true.

  • Early Training: The sooner you start, the better. They’re quick learners.
  • Socialization: The world’s a stage, and your Dachshund needs to explore it. Safely, of course.
  • Exercise: Keep them active, both mentally and physically. A bored Dachshund is a troublemaker in waiting.
  • Rules and Boundaries: Be clear, be consistent, and ensure everyone in the household is on the same page.
Fun Fact: Did you know Dachshunds were originally bred to hunt badgers? That's where their digging instincts come from!

In my years of experience, I’ve seen many Dachshunds turn from chaotic little furballs into well-adjusted companions. So, keep your chin up, your treats ready, and your training consistent. Remember, every challenge is just another opportunity for a treat-worthy moment.

Until next time, may your days be filled with wagging tails and slobbering kisses, minus the furniture casualties. Stay persistent, and your Dachshund will become the well-mannered sidekick you both deserve.