How to Discipline a Dachshund Puppy? (Effective Techniques)

Photo of a Dachshund being disciplined. How to Discipline a Dachshund Puppy?

I’ve faced many challenges head-on, and training a Dachshund puppy is one of them. With their sausage-shaped bodies and spirited personalities, these little guys can test your patience like a mischievous toddler. So, buckle up as I walk you through the art of disciplining a Dachshund puppy with techniques forged from real-life experiences.

Main Points:

  • Dachshunds are known for being stubborn and strong-willed, therefore, training requires consistency, patience, and positive reinforcement.
  • Barking, separation anxiety, and possessive behaviors are common issues in Dachshunds that need to be addressed through training.
  • Early training is key in disciplining a Dachshund puppy, including socializing them and familiarizing them with crate training.
  • Separation anxiety can be reduced by ensuring your Dachshund has enough exercise and mental stimulation before being left alone.
  • Potty training in Dachshunds should be consistent, with a strict schedule and positive reinforcement when the puppy does it right. When accidents happen, reprimand must be immediate so that the puppy understands why it’s being reprimanded.
  • Physical punishments and harsh scolding should be avoided when disciplining a Dachshund. Instead, clear, firm commands and instructions, along with timely positive reinforcement work best.
  • Aggressive behaviors, such as growling and biting, can be addressed through obedience training, gradual exposure to new environments, and positive reinforcement.

Understanding Your Dachshund’s Mind

In my years of working with different breeds, Dachshunds stand out with their curious and tenacious spirits. Loyalty and affection are the cornerstones of their personality, but so is a certain stubborn streak. Dachshunds may bark up a storm, a trait that’s woven into their DNA. Initially bred for hunting, that loud, deep bark had a purpose. But in a modern living room, it can be less than ideal.

Fun Fact: A Dachshund's bark is surprisingly deep for their size, a remnant of their history as fearsome badger hunters!

With Dachshunds, separation anxiety can be the root of much mischief. Their world revolves around their humans, and the absence of their favorite person can trigger behaviors like chewing or digging. Tackling these issues isn’t just about curbing the behavior but understanding the emotional undercurrents that drive it.

Early Training: The Foundation of Good Behavior

Don’t wait to start training; the best time to teach your Dachshund puppy is the moment they trot through your door. Here’s the rundown:

  • Socialization: It’s crucial. Expose your puppy to different sights, sounds, and experiences. Take them to parks, introduce them to friends, and consider puppy classes. These encounters build confidence, helping mitigate anxiety-driven behaviors down the road.
  • Crate Training: A well-sized crate is a Dachshund’s den, a safe haven where they can unwind. Introduce it positively, with treats and comfort items, and they’ll soon see it as their personal retreat.
  • Potty Training: Consistency is your ally here.Stick to a schedule, be patient, and when accidents happen (they will), handle them with understanding. Immediate and gentle correction is the key — never hours later.

The Dos and Don’ts of Puppy Discipline

Let’s talk discipline. It’s not about punishment, it’s about guidance. And with Dachshunds, the way you guide them makes all the difference. Here’s what I’ve learned:


  • Catch them in the act: If they’re doing something naughty, a firm “no” at the moment tells them what’s not acceptable.
  • Clicker Training: This little device is a game-changer. A click paired with a treat for good behavior works wonders.
  • Consistent Commands: Use clear, firm instructions. Consistency helps your pup understand what’s expected of them.


  • Physical Punishment: It’s a huge no. It breeds fear, not respect.
  • Overly Harsh Scolding: A stern voice can be enough. You want to build trust, not terror.
  • Delayed Discipline: Scold too late, and they won’t connect the dots between their behavior and your reaction.

When Aggression Shows Up

Dachshund pups can sometimes nip or growl. It’s vital to recognize these signs early. Address it with firmness and redirect their energy. Obedience training helps, as does positive reinforcement. Let’s remember, aggression can stem from fear, so keep an eye out for what might be scaring your little buddy.

Creating a Comfortable Environment

A comfortable Dachshund is a well-behaved Dachshund. Ensure they have a cozy bed, consider a well-appointed crate, and keep their living space clean and safe. Regular vet visits, proper nutrition, and plenty of exercises will keep them both physically and mentally in top form.

Pro Tip: Dachshunds can be particularly sensitive to changes in their environment. Keeping a routine and a calm household helps prevent behavioral issues before they start.

Nutrition: The Building Blocks of Health

A healthy diet is non-negotiable. High-quality puppy food, tailored to your Dachshund’s growth needs, makes all the difference. Small, frequent meals are better than large ones, and always — always — have fresh water available.

Dealing with Barking and Common Behavioral Challenges

If barking is driving you and your neighbors nuts, it’s time for some behavioral modification. Identify triggers, then use distractions and positive reinforcement to teach your pup there are more appropriate ways to express themselves. Chew toys can save your furniture from the wrath of a teething Dachshund, and having a designated digging spot can protect your garden from becoming a moonscape.

Training should start as early as possible. I recommend as young as 8 weeks, with short, playful sessions. And for those Dachshund dynamos? A tired puppy is a good puppy. Keep them exercised with walks and games, both for their body and their sharp little minds.

Remember, it’s not just about curbing bad habits but fostering a bond built on mutual respect and understanding. Through consistent, patient, and loving guidance, your Dachshund will not just be a well-disciplined pup but a joyful and integral member of your family.