When Do Dachshunds Calm Down?

Photo of a short haired Dachshund running like crazy. When Do Dachshunds Calm Down?

Are you tired of constantly chasing after your energetic Dachshund puppy and wondering when they’ll finally calm down? You’re not alone! These small breed dogs are known for their seemingly boundless energy, making them both entertaining and sometimes exhausting companions. But when do Dachshunds calm down?

Fear not, they won’t be zooming around the house forever. In this blog post, we will explore the factors that affect Dachshunds’ energy levels, discuss the typical age range they’ll start to settle down and share some helpful tips on how to manage their exuberance in the meantime.

Factors That Affect Dachshund Energy Levels

Teething, hormonal changes, and lack of exercise can all contribute to a Dachshund’s energy levels.


In the early stages of a Dachshund puppy’s life, teething can play a significant role in their energy levels and behavior. As those tiny teeth start to emerge, your pup may experience discomfort or pain that leads them to chew and bite everything they can get their little paws on.

One way we can help our puppies cope with teething is by making sure our house is tidy and free from tempting items they might want to gnaw on. Providing appropriate chew toys tailored for teething puppies not only keeps them entertained but also offers relief from sore gums.

Hormonal Changes

As a dachshund owner, understanding hormonal changes in your beloved pup can be essential to managing their energy levels and overall well-being. Just like humans, our canine friends go through various hormonal shifts as they develop from puppyhood to adulthood, and Dachshunds are no exception.

During this time, you might notice changes in your Dachshund’s behavior or temperament due to hormone fluctuations such as testosterone and estrogen. Neutering or spaying your dog may help calm them down by reducing hormonally-driven behaviors like aggression and separation anxiety; however, it’s crucial to consult with a veterinarian before making any decisions regarding these procedures.

Additionally, female doxies may exhibit nesting behaviors or become more protective during their heat cycles – so keeping an eye on those signs could also provide insight into how hormones impact your pup’s demeanor.

Lack Of Exercise

It’s crucial to keep in mind that our furry friends are high-energy dogs who need plenty of exercise. Lack of physical activity can not only lead to weight gain and related health issues but also contribute to their seemingly boundless energy levels.

Without adequate exercise, a dachshund may become restless, leading to destructive behavior or excessive barking – I’m sure fellow dachshund owners can relate! For example, my sister’s pup once tore up an entire couch cushion simply because she didn’t get her daily playtime at the local dog park.

To avoid such situations and help your beloved doxie burn off some pent-up energy, make sure you engage them in regular walks, outdoor play sessions with toys like balls or frisbees, and even indoor games like hide-and-seek with treats if the weather isn’t cooperating.

Three Dachshunds running like crazy.

When Do Dachshunds Calm Down?

Dachshund puppies typically calm down around six months of age, but some may take up to a year to fully mature and settle into their adult behavior.

Typical Age Range For Calming Down

While every dog is different, the typical age range for dachshunds to start calming down is around 1 year old.

However, it may take longer for some dachshunds to calm down than others. Small breed puppies like dachshunds tend to be more energetic and take longer than larger breeds to mature mentally.

If you’ve tried providing plenty of exercise and mental stimulation, but your Dachshund still appears out of control even after reaching 1 year old, don’t worry – there are ways to address behavior problems with the help of a professional trainer or behaviorist.

Tips To Help Your Dachshund Calm Down

To help calm down your Dachshund, it is important to provide enough exercise and mental stimulation, as well as consistent training and socialization.

Providing Enough Exercise And Mental Stimulation

It is very important it is to keep your pup active and mentally stimulated. Here are some tips on how to provide enough exercise and mental stimulation for your furry friend:

  1. Take your Dachshund on daily walks: A minimum of 30 minutes of exercise a day is recommended for adult Dachshunds. This can be broken up into two or three shorter walks if needed.
  2. Incorporate playtime: Dachshunds love to play, so make sure they have plenty of toys to chew on and interact with. Play fetch, tug-of-war, or hide-and-seek with treats.
  3. Socialization: Dachshunds can be prone to separation anxiety and aggressive behavior if not properly socialized. Plan playdates with other dogs, introduce them to new people and environments, and take them out in public.
  4. Mental stimulation: Providing mental challenges such as puzzle toys or teaching new tricks can help tire out your Dachshund’s mind as well as their body.
  5. Keep training consistent: Continued training throughout the life of your Dachshund will reinforce good behavior and strengthen the bond between you both.

Consistent Training And Socialization

Training and socialization are the most essential when it comes to raising a well-behaved Dachshund puppy. Here are some tips:

  • Begin training your Dachshund puppy early, ideally from the first day they come home.
  • Be firm, patient, and consistent with your training methods. Dachshunds have a natural tendency to want to be the leader in their pack, so you need to establish yourself as the alpha.
  • Use positive reinforcement techniques like treats and praise when your Dachshund puppy is doing something right.
  • Socialize your Dachshund puppy around other dogs, people, and new environments to prevent fearful or aggressive behavior later on in life.
  • Make sure your Dachshund puppy is neutered or spayed to help reduce hormonal behaviors like aggression towards other dogs.
  • Seek out the help of a professional dog trainer or behaviorist if you’re having difficulty with training or socialization.


Dachshunds are known for their playful and energetic nature. However, as a pet owner, it’s important to understand when to expect your puppy to calm down. Typically, Dachshund puppies start calming down around six months of age.

It’s essential to provide them with proper exercise and mental stimulation during the first six months of their life. With consistent training and socialization, you can help reduce anxiety and aggressive behavior in your Dachshund puppy.

Remember that every dog is unique, so don’t hesitate to seek the help of a professional behaviorist if needed.